self-made sunday
I finally published this personally crafted planner in December 2020 after using it myself for many years. I’ve combined what I’ve read and learned on my journey and integrated it into a daily planner that is practical for everyday work and inspirational for personal progress.
It has been my paper “life coach” that allowed me to get to where I am today.
A daily paper planner designed to empower you to dream relentlessly, set well-rounded life goals, and pursue a life you love.
Before Monday blues kick in, spend an hour every Sunday to plan for the week, the month, the year and your life ahead.
gax gallery
Gax Gallery started in January 2021 as a lockdown hobby
that turned into a profitable passion overnight!
I rediscovered painting during the pandemic and as I was showing some of my works to my mum, she asked "what are you painting?". I said, "it's abstract, I'm just playing around".
She replied, "painting is an expression, what do you see and what do you feel when you look at your work? And then, I just realized that I paint the tropics and the sea which probably reflects my longing for travel and adventure.
Having worked in a very demanding advertising industry where weekends are usually used for bumming or nursing a hangover, I started #WasteNoWeekend back in 2015. Recognizing that we spend 75% of our time and energy at work, with only 25% left for leisure and personal growth.
This 25% should be purposefully used for things that really matter in life, like going on an adventure, exploring new sites, learning a new skill, upgrading a talent, helping others, or spending quality time with people who matter.
A movement that encourages individuals to make use of their weekends on life-enriching experiences good for the mind, heart, body and soul.